Alexandra - sex in CH-3800 Interlaken - Bern (BE) | 69s

Alexandra 33

Welcome to the realm of Alexandra, your ultimate companion for unbridled sexual ecstasy. As a temptress of the highest caliber, I am here to ignite your wildest desires and transport you to a realm of unparalleled pleasure. With me as your guide, you'll embark on a sensual odyssey that will leave an unforgettable imprint on your soul.

Prepare to be captivated by my seductive charisma and the allure of my perfectly sculpted body. As your personal sex goddess, I am eager to fulfill every fantasy that courses through your veins. From tantalizing foreplay to mind-blowing orgasms, I possess a repertoire of techniques that will drive you to the brink of ecstasy.

As a versatile escort lady, I cater to your every whim. Whether you prefer the intimacy of your home or the anonymity of a hotel room, I will come to you and transform your dreams into reality. My services are as diverse as your desires, ranging from sensual massages to deep throat blowjobs.

Unleash your inner submissiveness as I take control as your dominatrix. I will guide you through a labyrinth of pleasure and pain, humiliating you with a smirk and leaving you breathless with my facesitting. Latex and leather become my weapons of seduction, igniting your darkest fantasies and leading you into a realm of unbridled passion.

For those with insatiable appetites, I embrace group sex with open arms. I revel in the thrill of being pampered by multiple men, each stroke and caress sending shivers down your spine. Immerse yourself in a sea of pleasure as you surrender to the ecstasy of being surrounded by an abundance of hard cocks.

So, why wait? Call me now and let's embark on a journey of unbridled lust and passion. Together, we will explore the depths of your desires and create memories that will linger long after our encounter. 

I promise you an experience that will leave you craving for more. πŸΎπŸ’‹

Bar/Drinks, Discreet entrance, Whirlpool, Striptease/Lap dance, Sauna, Smoking area, Escort services
Services for
men, women, couples, persons with physical handicap

Available for
Escort/Outcall, Club/Studio

German, Swiss German, English


168 cm

53 kg

Hair color:


Erotikclub Interlaken Girls